dancing madly. backwards 2

on Canvas & Paper

Selected Works on Canvas and Paper: Between 1993 and 2017, the artist has created over 1000 sketches on paper and canvas using various mediums – lead, ink, charcoal, pastels. Also during this period over 300 oil and acrylic based paintings were created.

White Rain, Project X Installation Series, Naccarato, Montreal, QC, 2007

Project X – White Rain

White Rain (2006) is the second piece created for the Project X Installation Series, which I developed during my Bachelor of Arts Degree at Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada (2005-2008).

Intimacy in Public Space, Art Matters, Flyer, SQ Header, 2008

Intimacy in Public Space

Site specific installations and interventionist works exploring the notions of Intimacy in Public Space through the disciplines of Performance, Dance, Mixed Media, Theater, Visual Arts and New Media.