Chimera of Arezzo, Etruscan, c. 400 BCE.

The Chimera

The term Chimera has had a long and rich history dating back to Greek mythology with the most famous definition defined by Homer in the Odyssey where he describes it as “a thing of immortal make, not human, lion-fronted and snake behind, a goat in the middle, and snorting out the breath of the terrible flame of bright fire.”

Figure 01: Naccarato, record Record (Hybrid Sculptural Objects), Exhibition Overview: Axeneo7, Gatineau, QC, 2010

record RECORD (Hybrid Sculptural Object), 2010

The primary intent of using low-fi technology in my previous Hybrid Sculptural Objects (part of the ‘The Obscure Objects of Desire’ installation) was to create a non-confrontational and accessible entry point in which to engage with the visitor/participant in a critical discourse regarding technology’s ubiquitous intervention and role in society.

dancing madly. backwards 2

referencing the Canadian Identity

What does it mean to be Canadian? There does not seem to exist one absolute criteria that could easily define this nationalistic sentiment. One may inquire into the social, political and historical context of a country; the defining attributes of its people; the significant contributions of its leaders